I am BACK.hahas^^ i went to CHIANG MAI, THAILAND.tat place was fun...except tat it is not as clean as SINGAPORE.things are so cheap.SG$10 over there is like already 230baht...but we only stay for like 5days 4nights?
FIRST day we leave SINGAPORE at ard 8am (18/11) sunday.GOSH! we have to wake up at ard 3am plus to PREPARE ourselves.not even 5full hours of slp.we REACH there at abt going 11am?the flight was like only 2hrs 45mins.the MOMENT we just reach there, there was tis STUPID photographer grab us and ask us tat PICTURES.we was like so diao... hahas^^ but the tour guide was so FRIENDLY...i like him.darn forget to take pictures with him.he is going to become AH GONG le.CONGRADUATION!!! he brought us to out hotel which is ROYAL PENNISULAR to rest a while before we start our day at CHIANG MAI... tat day we go is a SUNDAY.at CHIANG MAI,every SUNDAY there have tis funfair.we went to tat funfair tat night.WAD THE HELL~ I met some AH GUAs.they are so SCARY.they just suddenly rush to euu and SCREAM like hell.they wear those clothes very FUNNY de.gort one guy go lift up one of the AH GUA's pong pong skirt, tat AH GUA shout like gal la.hahahahahas^^
SECOND day we went to the country side area.we sit on the BAMBOO BOAT.it was fun.we enjoy the PEACE of the nature....and of course kanna MOSQUITOS bites.hahas^^ after the ride, we went to sit on the COWS.the carriage can actually have 4 persons but we squeeze 7persons together.hahas^^my father was appoint to ride the COWS.we almost fell into the drain cos the cow went to eat the grass beside the path.we was like SCREAMING like hell.luckily my father beat the cow make it go back to the path.after which we went to have an ELEPHANT ride.those elephants was so GIGANTIC.we have 2persons on one elephant.those steps the ELEPHANTS walk is like so steep.make me feel like DROPPING off the seat.it also went into the river, the high current RUSHING towards the elephant really make us IMAGINE of dropping into the river.hahas^^ the air there was HORRIBLE.so smelly.all the shits ard.wad is WORST is tat we have our lunch there.i was like no APPETITE la.how am i suppose to eat with the smell of DUNGS?eeewww~ we went to the normal FUNFAIR tat night.things are equally CHEAP there.hahahas^^ plus my mother and father's skill of BARGAINING.we of course get much more CHEAPER price compared to the original price.SUPER~~~
THIRD day we went to CHIANG RAI, a place tat is close to MYANMUR.gals there are very PRETTY....the journey was so long.luckily we have gort some DIFFERENT stops to allow us to take a break and see some of their CULTURES.we went to a place where they have this very SUPER hot well of water, which is natural, and we COOK our eggs in it.then we went to a place where by we can see DIFFERENT tribes.i saw those women with LONG NECK....OMG~ is like so scary.they are FRIENDLY though.hahas^^ the other TRIBES like gort nothing as special as them.after tat we went to the check point to MYANMAR.we took a photo as memeory.after SHOPPING a while ard tat area,we START to head back to out hotel.tat journey was so DARN long.no more stopping points.i was like feeling GIDDY and feel like vomiting in the van.i was feeling so TERRIBLE tat i broke down....
FORTH day is actually a free and easy day.but we have no IDEA how to go ard so we decided to ask the TOUR guide to bring us ard.he was so NICE tat day was actually his off day but he decided to just BRING us ard.before we meet,we went to have LUNCH oursleves.we pass by tis shop selling lots of toys.i went in and bought a HELLO KITTY.hahas^^ after tat we gather together at the HOTEL lobby at ard 1pm.he den brought us to have SPA,body massage and jacuzzi.my family was not INTERESTED in any so we decided to go to the park near by and have a STROLL and sight-seeing.there is a pool of water tat is so HOT, i tink abt 90 degrees.it is for ppl to COOK their eggs too!!!after abt 3hours, we went to a SILK making place.the things are quite EXPENSIVE, tat's why we din buy anytin.hahas^^ soon it was DINNER time.we have a SEAFOOD dinner cos it's our last day.there was so much FOOD that we cant even finish them all.the SEAFOOD is quite expensive because at CHIANG MAI seafood is rare to have.hahas^^ after we FINSIH our dinner we wanted to go back to the FUNFAIR we went on the second day.but so sway... it was DRIZZLING.tat night we din really buy anytin...
FIFTH day we meet at ard 8.30am.we are going back to SINGAPORE.hahas^^ i miss all my FRIENDS so terribly.reach SINGAPORE at abt 12plus pm.we went throught all the checkings and scanning.darn tat INDIAN women, she dun allow me to bring in the DURIAN cakes.she still throw away the CAKES infront of me...but luckily i manage to bring in QIDE's XXX.
OVERALL i tink the trip was fun.i LOVE tat place.there are so much tins tat SINGAPORE doesnt have.the taxi is known as TOOT-TOOT.is like so differnt la.i gonna upload all the PHOTOS i have taken.i bought a green MCSHIT t-shirt for SIM QIDE, a green BILLABONG t-shirt for CHOW JIAJUN, as for LIM SHIJUN,NESSYA LEE,JOVI KAU, i bought tis very cute clip very SPECIAL, bought a small cute elephant keychain for CARINA LEE.for myself i bought 3 t-shirts, 2 slippers,1 hello kitty,1 sunglasses and a hair clip for MYSELF.hahas^^
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